Thursday, November 7, 2013

[Twitter|Trans|Photo] Yonghwa Took Picture With The Cast of Dream High

여러분!!!! 수능대박!!!!! 원하시는 대학교 모두 가실수있을겁니다!!! 그리고 여러분의 꿈을 높게!!! 드림하이~~~ 그런의미에서 ㅋㅋ드림하이 출연자분들과 한 컷 찍었습니다~~~~ 오늘 푹자고 내일 좋은 컨디션으로!!!!! 화이팅!!!

Everyone!!!! College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) Daebak!!!!! All of you can get the university that you want!!! Then make your dream higher!!! Dream High~~~ In this regard kk I took one cut (pic) with the cast of Dream High~~~~ Sleep well today, so you'll be in a good condition tomorrow!!!!! Fighting!!!
Tomorrow (today in Korea) and the day after (7-8 November 2013) is the day of College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), Just like SNMPTN in Indonesia. Yonghwa tweeted in order to give courage and support to the fans that will take the test and he wishes that they can enter the university that they want. He told the fans to have a higher dream!^^ He also took a pic with standee of Dream High's Cast especially for this. Our leader is soooo care and kind and creative of course. kkkkk He loves BOICE. Hehehehe. And We love him ^^

Ah! I'm sorry if I made mistake in translating. Please give me feedback if the translation is wrong~ thank you


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